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Pop Star Turned Interior Designer Willa Ford Talks Big Design Trends

Former pop icon and current interior designer, Willa Ford, shares the biggest design trends in real estate and why she takes sustainability seriously.

Moving into 2020, what is one trend in property design that you believe is going to make a big impact?

Multifunctional spaces. Home owners are being more thoughtful in how they live today. Recognizing maybe a formal dining room doesn’t serve them but that same space may make an incredible home office. Allowing spaces to not be predetermined by the cookie cutter image of what we believe to be a “home”.

What are some essential steps that every property owner or manager should take in order to create more sustainable spaces?

First and foremost, if there’s anything that can be salvaged and saved to fit within the design do it! Even if it costs more this is going to be the most sustainable option! If that’s not an option, then buy classic materials. Things that can stand for the next 30 years at least. You can always get funky with your paint colors, wall coverings, furnishings, etc. Keep the hard surface materials classic.

We have got to start considering that our design choices impact our world. I believe in at least the 50/50 rule. I buy at least 50 percent vintage in furnishings for all projects I design. Even better if there are hand me downs from family. I take these pieces and source a local craftsman (lower emissions) to rework them like new.

What features of the home are people prioritizing as we move into 2020?

Maximize the square footage. Open spaces and windows! Light, light, and more light. Curating with things that seem thoughtful and not just big box store bought. Housing is a retreat. People are looking to feel rejuvenated from their homes now instead of just a place to live.

Which tones or color schemes are most attractive to potential tenants?

Currently everyone wants a clean slate of white, grey and black. This is a great choice to attract tenants. That being said it should be noted that white is an extremely energizing color so maybe consider a muted grey blue or green for bedrooms could be a thoughtful touch.

What does green design mean to you?

It means considering waste. Considering what it takes to create that cheap $50 table you just ordered online. What cost does our world actually pay for you to own that table? Reconsider local second-hand options that give your home more character and save our planet!

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