Kenny Ingram
Global Industry Director, Engineering, Construction & Infrastructure, IFS
What major challenges are construction teams looking to overcome today?
These challenges include poor profit margins, flat rates in productivity, labor and skills shortage, inconsistent & unpredictable project delivery performance, competition intensifying from local and global entities, as well as industry outsiders, and adapting to new business models.
What’s next for the construction industry? What should readers be looking out for?
The two big trends include clients asking contractors to provide a total asset lifecycle solution and an increase in offsite construction and prefabrication. With offsite, there’s an accelerating need for integrating BIM into business processes, as it means you have to commit to a design earlier.
What advice would you give to a construction professional who wants to begin investing in technology but do not know where to start?
The first step is to get control and governance of your business. To achieve this, contractors need to reduce the number of systems and their reliance on Excel and move to a more integrated system and set of processes. The next stage is then to integrate technologies such as Mobility, BIM and IoT.
How can technology help construction professionals overcome the looming skills shortage?
Productivity can be improved by using integrated systems, with less reliance on Excel. Secondly, using an offsite manufacturing model can also improve workforce productivity. Third, using labor and project management software tools can improve efficiency and project delivery performance.

Shyam Veeramachineni
Global Practice Leader — Infrastructure, Intertek — Building and Construction
In 2019, what major challenges are construction companies looking to overcome?
The biggest issues in the construction industry are the scarcity of skilled workers and the rising material prices. Companies will need to look at their speed and efficiency to hold the line on profitability, and they need to carefully manage risk throughout the project lifecycle.
What steps can construction professionals take on every project to create a work site which empowers health and safety for all individuals?
Caring for safety by all employees is critical, from senior-level employees through the youngest of apprentices. Awareness at every moment, by every member of the team, in all places, is the best way to ensure safer job sites. Flag the obvious risks and share near-misses so everyone stays aware.
What are some best practices in the planning phase of any project to ensure success throughout the building process?
The best planning includes a Total Quality Assurance mindset. This is inclusive of safety on the job site, as well as quality in design, procurement, construction and controls. Without thinking safety and quality first, projects will have setbacks.
What should readers expect to see on the horizon for the construction industry?
Demographic changes in the workforce, along with the adoption of more technology and automation, will be front-and-center in the construction industry. And more private investment in the commercial, nonresidential markets will demand even greater assurance, speed, efficiency, and risk mitigation.

Tyson Cartwright
Business Development Manager, Centennial Woods Inc.
What is the biggest challenge facing the construction industry today?
I think it’s finding truly sustainable building materials. Many products claim to be sustainable because it’s a buzz word, but when you start digging, you quickly realize they are not.
What is the biggest misconception surrounding sustainable building materials?
The biggest misconception regarding sustainability is people think because a product is sustainable it’s more expensive.
What advice would you give to a young professional who is just starting out their career in construction?
Don’t accept statements from companies at face value. Do your own homework and decide if a company truly aligns with your principles.
How can investing in the right building materials effect a construction project?
Investing in responsibly sourced products can not only result in LEED credits, but also a healthier planet for all.

Brian Carey
Product Manager, Carlisle C&W
What is the biggest challenge facing the construction industry today?
The shortage of skilled tradesmen and workmen. I hear the shortfall is serious enough to affect schedule and throughput. I foresee this problem getting worse, as fewer young people enter the trades compared to those retiring.
What is the biggest misconception surrounding sustainable building materials?
There is too much emphasis on recycling and biodegradability for products whose most important attribute is durability. A durable product is a green product because it doesn’t need to be replaced for a very long time.
What advice would you give to a young professional who is just starting out their career in construction?
If you haven’t already done so, learn about building science. Today’s more energy efficient building envelopes have very different thermal and moisture behavior compared to older systems. If you can master this science, your skills will be in high demand.
How can investing in the right building materials effect a construction project?
The right building materials will enhance performance and durability of your building. More robust materials are more forgiving of less-than-optimal scheduling and installation.
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