Megan Johnson
Leader, Marketing Comms at Sengled
What makes a home a “smart home”? Back in the 1950s, a home was considered smart when it had a television in the living room. These days, we fantasize about 3-D printing our dinner to avoid meal prep. We’ve come a long way over the years, but for the majority of Americans, the idea of a smart home still remains too expensive or complex to replace familiar household objects. If only it were as simple as twisting in a light bulb.
Enter smart lighting. The best technology integrates into life without interruption, disappearing into the background while adding functional value. With over 8 billion light sockets in the United States, lighting is absolutely essential in every home. Not only do smart bulbs offer simple control like on, off and dimming, but also the ability to customize scenes based on mood or activity. And because smart bulbs are LED, each bulb uses 80 percent less energy compared to the standard incandescent bulb, with a lifetime average of 22 years. From recessed ceiling cans in the family room to table lamps in the bedroom and pendant lights in the kitchen, smart bulbs can easily replace outdated bulbs in every room and add more function in minutes.
Bright idea
Smart LED bulbs are an ideal starting point for anyone looking to create or extend a smart home. First, smart light bulbs offer flexibility. There is no need to spend a lot of money installing wall dimmers or complex control systems, simply add smart light bulbs and control the lights via a mobile app. Or join the 20 percent of Americans who already own a voice assistant and never disrupt an activity to adjust the lights again. Simply state the command and the lights will respond.
Smart lighting is not limited to use inside the home because lights can be controlled remotely from anywhere. This extra level of convenience allows you to turn off lights remotely from the office after leaving in a rush or turn on a favorite light setting before arriving home after a long day. Smart lighting also offers an element of security, with the ability to set custom on and off schedules to mimic occupancy whenever you’re away.
Set the mood
Finally, smart lighting offers ambiance. From a bright kitchen to a warm, cozy den, it is easy to create the perfect mood in every room with various light temperatures, colors and brightness. The ability to adjust the tones of white light and select from a variety of colors adds another element of décor to homes.
Whether you’re one of the 40 percent of Americans who have already adopted a smart home gadget or you’re still holding out for a flying car, smart home technology can make your daily tasks more streamlined, simple and meaningful. What easier way to get started than by updating the light sockets you already have?