“Sustainability” is the word on everyone’s lips these days, but what are companies actually doing to make sure they’re sustainable? Mark Ushpol, the managing director of packaging at DS Smith, spoke to us about what trends have popped up and where to start if your company is looking to be more sustainable.

Mark Ushpol
Managing Director of Packaging, DS Smith
What sustainability trends have you seen become the new normal for many companies?
Consumers are increasingly aware of the circular economy model and are demanding solutions to replace problem plastics. Companies are exploring innovative ways to provide that “wow” factor in the unboxing experience, while balancing that with sustainable attributes like being 100% recyclable or able to reseal and return in the same box.
How has sustainable packaging allowed you to remain focused on being a circular business?
We operate a closed loop model where our products are made from renewable materials and are recycled at rates approaching 90%. Our ambitious sustainability strategy, launched in 2020, allows us to move beyond just having a strong circular business model ourselves to delivering more circular solutions for our customers and wider society – replacing problem plastics, taking carbon out of supply chains and providing innovative closed loop solutions.
What advice do you have for companies looking to take the first step toward a more sustainable future for their packaging operations?
It starts with having a clear vision and company purpose. Ours is “Redefining Packaging for a Changing World,” and it has never been more relevant as we come out of a year defined by unprecedented change. Businesses should respond to consumer demand and provide sustainable packaging, continue to innovate and play a key role in the switch from the linear model of take, make and throw away and embracing a circular economy based on reduce, reuse and recycle – the key to a more sustainable future.
This article has been paid for by DS Smith.