Foster a love of math in your young reader with these Danica McKellar books perfect for learning at home or in the classroom!
Bathtime Mathtime

Bathtime will be squeaky clean and sneaky smart fun in this board book that gives toddlers a head start on learning math by introducing the early addition concept of “counting on” — the idea that when we add one, we get the answer by simply counting on to the next number.
Ten Magic Butterflies

Join 10 flower friends for a night of excitement that mixes a little math with a lot of magic. As each of the 10 adorable flowers turns into a butterfly, children will discover different ways to group numbers to create 10, an essential building block of math.
The Times Machine

Mr. Mouse and Ms. Squirrel help introduce an entirely new way of memorizing multiplication facts, using colorful stories, silly rhymes, and more. Here, McKellar helps to break down the rules of multiplication and translate many of the (often confusing!) multiplication and division methods taught in today’s classrooms.